Useful Links for High School Students

    • Bookshare

      Online resource for all novels, best sellers, textbooks and more.

    • Google Classroom

      Integrates your CHS Google account with all your Google services, including Google Docs, Gmail, and Google Calendar. Connect to your teacher’s classroom by joining the class.

    • Google Login

      Log in to your CHS accounts, including Google Docs, Gmail, Google Calendar, etc.


      Online math and language arts program provides comprehensive, standards-aligned content.


      Online resource has 80,000+ human-narrated audio books and textbooks. LearningAlly also includes test prep with page-level navigation, text highlighting and audio speed and adjustments.

    • Newsela

      Current events stories tailor-made for classroom use. Stories are both student-friendly and can be accessed in different formats by reading level.

    • Quizlet

      This online study tool prepares students for tests and quizzes using flashcard study sets, test preparation questions and mock tests.

    • NJ Can New Jersey Career Assistance Navigator

      New Jersey Career Assistance Navigator is a web-based career guidance program. NJCAN facilitates career exploration and planning through various surveys to determine interests, skills, and plans for the future. Students are encouraged to develop a Career Portfolio in order to save all of their information and track progress throughout their time in high school. NJCAN assists in developing a career path for students.

    • NYC Talkspace

      NYC Talkspace is a free mental health support program available to any teenager aged 13 to 17, living in New York City. Whether the teen struggles with mental health challenges or just wants somebody to talk to about their everyday ups and downs, they can sign up for Talkspace to be connected to a licensed therapist for ongoing support. They will also get access to online mental health exercises to complete at their own pace.

      Talkspace is offered by the NYC Health Department and powered by Talkspace. Follow these steps to register:

      1. Visit NYC Talkspace and enter the teen's address and birthday.
      2. Enter the parent or guardian’s information and email address so they can provide consent.
      3. Complete a simple online assessment to share teen's mental health needs and preferences.

      The teen will then get matched with a licensed therapist for ongoing virtual support access to online mental health exercises, or both.