Post-Secondary planning seminar for parents

Parents at Seminiar in NJ
Parent Communications

On Thursday, May 10, 2018, the Community High School hosted a post-secondary planning seminar for upcoming junior and senior parents.

The focus of this seminar was to discuss the exploration and application process for various post-secondary education placements.

Most importantly, it was a night for our parents to connect names with faces from our CHS staff hosts, which include Toby Braunstein (Director of Education), Joy Bortnick (College Coordinator), Sara Shortway (Assistant Director/ Testing Coordinator) and Jackie Murray (Transition Coordinator).

There was also an informative panel of representatives from various post-secondary institutions. We had a brief question-and-answer session at the end. Community High School’s guidance staff, working along with active parent and student involvement, is crucial for future success. We were pleased to see you all there!