Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common mental health disorder in children that can significantly impact their development. Parents must be able to recognize the signs and symptoms of ADHD in their children so that they can get the help they need.
When diagnosing ADHD, evaluations by qualified professionals are the most accurate way to determine if a child has the disorder. These professionals may include psychologists, psychiatrists, neurologists, and developmental pediatricians. During an evaluation, they will consider physical exams and medical history as well as psychological tests or rating scales completed by parents or teachers.
Common Signs & Symptoms of ADHD
Common signs and symptoms of ADHD in children include difficulty maintaining attention, hyperactivity, impulsivity, restlessness, poor self-control, forgetfulness, and disorganization.
Children with ADHD may also have trouble completing tasks and become easily distracted or find it hard to follow instructions. It is essential for parents to monitor their child's behavior and talk with their healthcare provider if they have concerns about these signs.
Early diagnosis and treatment of ADHD can help children manage the symptoms more effectively and improve academic performance, social relationships, and overall quality of life.
Parents should be aware of the signs and symptoms of ADHD to get the appropriate evaluations, treatments, and care for their children.
Treatments & Therapies for ADHD
Once a professional assessment has been conducted, treatments can be recommended depending on individual needs. These may include medications, behavior therapy, or a combination of both. Medications prescribed for ADHD include stimulants such as methylphenidate (Ritalin) and non-stimulants such as atomoxetine (Strattera).
Behavior therapies may involve parent training sessions to help teach parents how to manage their child's behavior or cognitive behavioral therapy that teaches children strategies to control their behavior. Parents need to work with their healthcare provider to determine the best treatment option for their child.
Other conditions can resemble ADHD, such as anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, or learning disabilities like dyslexia. Therefore, parents need to discuss any potential issues with a healthcare professional to determine the best treatment method for their child. With the proper care and support, children with ADHD can lead successful and healthy lives.
Choose the Community School
The Community School is committed to helping all children reach their full potential, regardless of any challenges they may face. If you have any questions or want to learn more about our ADHD-friendly program, don't hesitate to contact us. We would be happy to answer any of your questions and discuss how we can best serve your child's needs. Thank you for considering The Community School as a resource for your family!